Is there any connection between atherosclerosis and multiple sclerosis? - atherosclerosis more condition_symptoms
I know that atherosclerosis is the accumulation of fat in the arteries hard and multiple sclerosis is degeneration of the myelin sheath of nerve cells. I ask because several names have?
Both have "multiple" in the name because "sclerosis" means literally "scars". Atherosclerosis means "scarring of the arteries" or "arterial scarring, whereas many scars multiple sclerosis means." The hard disks that form in the arteries are similar to hard disks that form in areas where myelin has been destroyed by white blood cells.
Not connected. Atherosclerosis is a disease related to lifestyle, which can be well treated and even prevented with healthy lifestyle. MS can not be prevented or cured. You really are pathetic for MS.
Sclerosis, hardening of tissues. Because the shape of the arteries to harden in the case of atherosclerosis. The Motor Neuron also works in the same way, but are not related.
No, there is no connection.
Google: Mayo Clinic>> Diseases> Multiple Sclerosis
>> Atherosclerosis
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