Saturday, December 26, 2009

Spray Tanning Supplies Suggestions In Clothing And Supplies For 1 Month In Vietnam?

Suggestions in clothing and supplies for 1 month in Vietnam? - spray tanning supplies

Well, I was on vacation in Vietnam last month, so ask me to wear and what to buy. I like to wear long pants and T-shirt b / ci do not want a tan and mosquito bites? Buy sunscreen and mosquito spray? not flit? I have found in one last time and did not work very well


Irving said...

You can make ditto for shirts and pants. I would like some prescription drugs for diarrhea and other drugs, do not make so easily available. I want to talk to your doctor about anti-malarial drugs, but I think the medicine is almost as bad as having malaria. I would also be a big hat. We have a hammock with a mosquito-connected network and is suitable for warm weather. I bought it online at REI-supply stores or at the campsite. I do not know where to sleep, but light and very well protected while you sleep. I also bring baby wipes. You do not know, inject about Vietnam, Thailand, but not Tp, single point bucket of water on the ass. I prefer baby wipes. Flit work if it is) strong enough (pure DEET or you can treat clothing with permethrin. These two products are very bad, we must weigh the risks. I like insecticide lemon eucalyptus (online). We use it in Mexico on the beach and works very well. You need only keep your application. A Short time that insects to their lowest and you are awake. Bring a kind of network error when it receives the hammock.

Emily T said...

I suggested that we make something that fits the warm and humid climate of Vietnam this month. Long pants and shirts are too hot for the weather. The last time I went mospital spray and sunscreen works perfectly for me. I had no problem with mosquitoes or sunburn. Get some prescription drugs in the case, since the drug may be wrong.

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